Category: News

Large Scale Additive Manufacturing Coming to 3DTech’s Service Portfolio

A large-scale additive manufacturing (LSAM) service will be added to our services and ramped up during the last quarter of 2023. The used technique, granulate-based Fused Granulate Fabrication, is significantly faster than filament-based 3D printing methods, enabling a fast and cost-efficient method to print larger objects. Benefits compared to traditional manufacturing methods are, among other things, efficient manufacturing without molds, production of customized products, a wide range of suitable materials including bio-based and recycled materials as well as very little waste. LSAM transforms the way of producing large pieces in various industries. Possible applications are for example furniture, parts for vehicles, boats, and ships, theater and movie decor, industrial molds and jigs as well as scale models.

3DTech’s solution

Technology: Fused Granulate Fabrication (FGF), known also as Granular Extrusion and Fused Particle Fabrication

Build Volume: 1500 mm x 1000 mm x 990 mm in pilot phase (later max 2000 mm x 1500 mm x 1000 mm)

Nozzle options: 1 mm, 3 mm and 5 mm

Support material: Same material as the printable object. Mechanical removal.

Limitations: Applicable only for medium-sized and large objects. A need for a support structure should be avoided, or kept at a minimum when planning an object’s geometry. The printing layers are visible, so, depending on the object, the surface may require post-processing.

The process will be piloted with selected customers during the last quarter of 2023. The aim is to find models, that don’t require a support structure, or they need it very little. Examples of possible applications are large molds, design furniture and décor, and large prototypes.

Available materials at the start

FGF PIPG Glassfiber (19%), PIPG Glassfiber (30%)


UPM Formi 3D Biocompocite

  • A biomaterial mix of cellulose fibers and PLA
  • 100% recyclable
  • 3D printed parts can be post-processed by conventional wood post-processing methods
  • Suitable for applications like furniture, molds (e.g. concrete casting, vacuum infusion), art and decor, and prototyping
  • UPM Formi datasheet
  • References

More materials will be added when needed later.

New! MJF prints of PA12 Glass Beads available now

We have added HP 3D High Reusability PA12 Glass Beads to our HP Multi Jet Fusion printing material portfolio. This 40% glass bead-filled thermoplastic material has both optimal mechanical properties and high reusability (up to 70%) of the surplus powder. PA12 GB is ideal for applications that require high stiffness like for example enclosers, housings, jigs, and tooling.

Read more about HP 3D printing materials here.

Brinter™ 3D (Bio)printing Platform Extends to Meet the Industrial Needs

Brinter™ 1 in-line version

The increased awareness of environmental aspects has led to the search for more environmentally friendly printable materials, such as cellulose-based materials, to replace oil-based synthetic polymers in 3D printing. Hence, during the past two years in the European Union’s Horizon 2020 funded NOVUM project, 3DTech has concentrated on building a novel 3D (bio)printing platform capable of printing various cellulose-based formulations for applications such as electrical insulators. The modular 3D (bio)printing platform, Brinter™, combines several 3D printing technologies into a single device enabling genuine multi-material printing of materials ranging from pastes and gels incorporating living cells to granulates of plastic-free cellulose or metal injection molding (MIM) materials. Thanks to Brinter™ platform, rapid R&D changes and shorter lead times are becoming commonplace both
in the lab-scale research as well as in the mass-production of complex-
shaped industrial components.

Brinter™ 1 desktop version

The newest add-ons to the Brinter™ platform will be unveiled in the FormNext 2019 Exhibition on the 19th-22nd of November in Frankfurt am Main. Come and visit the NOVUM project’s stand F38 in Hall 11.0 and check out how Brinter™ transforms from a desktop unit to an in-line production version.

More information: